I was born in New York in 1951, have practiced photographic art since 1957, and have a B.A. in photography from The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington. I taught photography and art from 1982 to 1996 at Marylhurst University in Lake Oswego, Oregon.
I’ve had 129 solo shows in Argentina, Brazil, England, Germany, Italy, Sweden, the United States and Yugoslavia. My work has also been featured in group shows in Canada, China, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Slovakia, Sweden and the US. Available monographs of my work include three books, 21 print-on-demand books and a deck of cards.
In 1995, I organized a group of a dozen artists who joined me in a nine year long systematic photographic exploration and documentation of the city of Portland. ( My second group of a dozen artists completed a second nine year re-exploration and round four is now in progress.
In 1997 and 1998, I took three trips to Paris and rephotographed 500 of the images made of that city by Eugene Atget between 1890 and 1927. (LensCulture interview)
I am a co-founder and past president of Photolucida (a Portland photography festival formerly called Photo Americas) ( I’m a co-founder, co-curator and Board Chairman of Blue Sky Gallery ( where, over the last 47 years, I have co-curated and co-produced 1005 exhibitions. I am a co-founder and current member of the co-op Nine Gallery. I have edited and produced around 200 art and photography publications. In 2003, I was the Bonnie Bronson Fellow.
My work is held in the collections of 13 major museums.
I’ve photographed in Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, China, Cuba, the Czech Republic, Denmark, England, France, Greece, Guatemala, Germany, Honduras, Holland, India, Italy, Macedonia, Mexico, Morocco, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey, the United States, Uruguay and Vietnam.